Rose Dragon

Spicy Win Streaks from on April 7th, 2023
Gems 34.5k + $11
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Currently 13-0 in the kcc with this deck and i gotta say its pretty fun, straight to the point though you are all probably wondering why in the **** magician robe is played in this deck. With the new card shooting riser dragon BRD is one of the decks to optionally use it! Magician Robe is probably the best card right now to make this combo work since it allows to special from the gy when you activate a spell/trap during your opponent turn. For examples: rox + white = shooting riser with its effect send the robe to the gy then set basal from rox effect from earlier of your turn. During your opponent turn, you have 2 synchro monster disruption to synchro during their turn;LVL 11 Trishula and Black Rose Dragon. If you want to summon trish you activate basal and special summon a lvl 4 rose dragon not rox! Once you activate it you chain it with magician robe and there you go you can now synchro summon anytime now in the main phase to trish! But if you want to nuke the field its fine to special summon rox so you can have follow up over the lvl 4 rose dragons as long as you chain it with magician robe to special summon it! This combo prefers better going first, if going second just make plays like any rose dragon players would do.

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