Magical Musket

Spicy Win Streaks from on April 19th, 2023
Gems 37k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

This 8 winstreak in Legend was NOT streamed live at :(

Muskets are pretty cool because it's a 100% consistent Deck thanks to Balance. The Skill makes it so you always open Caspar, or the other monster who gets Caspar from the Deck. Then you open at least 1 Spell and Trap, so you're set in motion.

Only losers play Doc in Balance builds. Running any other monster will always make you go first with such stellar hands like Doc Lance Scolding and Fiendish Deal. I lost exactly 1 game with a hand of Doc, Lance, and 2 Desperado simply because I could not get to Cross Dom. 1 loss told me everything I needed to know: 3 Caspar and 3 Woman are all that's needed.

Whoever told you that Muskets can go for a grind game is lying to you; any Musket backrow you use beyond the first one each turn makes you go -1. End games as fast as you can.

If you have Woman on the field, after you survive your opponent's turn, you try to go for game with a Rank 3 of choice (just activate 2 backrow and you're set). I used Acid Golem the most, and I never used Darius.

Solemn Scolding is a spicy card I saw others run in Muskets. It goes so hard because your opponents will only deal damage to you when you've 100% lost the game, so you can always afford 1 Scolding. Your opponents will assume you set a Lance so it will punish them heavily.

Duality may seem bad because of Woman so you may prefer to run the 3rd Needle.

Muskets autolose to the current builds of Dark Magician. Good luck to anyone trying to KOG with this.

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