
Spicy Win Streaks from on April 15th, 2023
Gems 52.5k + $38
20 cards

Notes & Combos

1 day late yes, I know (unfortunately the school is massacring me between various tests etc. and therefore it is already a lot if I calmly did those 4-5 daily duels every day), but in the end here I am Me too! DLv.MAX achieved (EXTREMELY easily) with Shark Xyz (with also a final win streak of 7) ! Turn 1: If in hand, in addition to 1 Beatunaful/Buzzsaw, we have another Beautunaful/Buzzsaw or Double since then we make N.106 and pass, while IF INSTEAD we have only 1 Beatunaful/Buzzsaw then we make N.37 for a possible recovery (+ if we do him, in case of imminent otk by the opponent / in case they were about to ban us Xyz Revive splash, we can always tag him in N.94). Turn 2 : "OTK with Shark Drake Veiss goes brrrrrr!" NOTES: -New addition in the deck: One for one (/ fourth copy of Beautunaful princess/Buzzsaw shark) for the consistency of the deck (useful for discarding one of our kaiju, Lantern or Double fin); -Staples/Backrows: apart from the 3 MST and the 3 Spears and 2 kaiju (which come VERY USEFUL many times), the rest is up to you. Honestly, however, I prefer to play as many backrow removals as possible because after ALL this first stage with Shark xyz I can assure you that with this deck you will not always draw 2 s/t removals (since the number of staples my opponent places in turn 1 are mostly 2), so playing more S/T removal on top of Chalice/Warning point/Ice dragon prison type isn't really a bad idea; -Double fin: I still think it's too underrated. Compared to xyz Remora and Silent Angler it offers us a very good recovery from next turn and can really save us sometimes... only flaw is that yes it locks us into WATER monsters and therefore it will not be possible to summon Kaijus in that turn... but honestly it's a risk that I think is worth taking since it has helped me many times to make various comebacks / follow ups; -POSSIBLE CHANGES TO MAKE: After my experience I can also say that Lantern shark was almost useless and that if you wanted you could remove it (but yes, there was SOME RARE OCCASION where if I hadn't played him as fuel for Buzzsaw I wouldn't I think I could have counted only on the recovery of any 2 Buzzsaw/Double fin) and put instead 1 other staple/backrow removals (or 1 Silent angler if you are afraid of not having materials to summon with Buzzsaw/Double in extreme cases/in long games) + remove N.106 for Full armored crystalzero (IF you prefer this last one, over N.106, to protect yourself from some aggressive otk and if you are playing in the Lantern shark deck...but keep in mind that N.70 exists) or for Link disciple for possible usually Iblee lock if it happens (although I have never met in this first phase...).

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