Notes & Combos
I am considering taking out the borreload and the knightmares for the galaxy package, both good.
Been doing great with this deck, heres some of the combos. first turn, if you open 2 Mekks (diff names) and 1 Crusadia:
1.NS the Crusadia
2.Link into the link 1 (above toon world)
3.SS mekk under the link
4.Search Draco
5.SS morning and discard the other mekk to seatch secrets
6.SS Draco (add to hand the crusadia in grave) and SS Equamax with Draco and morning
7.SS the Crusadia
^^ gives you 2 negates and if the crusadia was Aboria even protection. If you dont have 2 mekks, do the same combo but instead of going into morning go into the crusadia link 2.
Going seconed, if you didnt brick you'd prob win. just use the link 2 to move thier monster into where you need it
Btw if you open 2 kaijus, ss the red one on your opp field, then you'd be able to ss the shadow one on your field for free.
PK :