
King of Games from on September 27th, 2023
Gems 64.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Rather standard Metalfoes list. Having access to a 2nd Fullmetalfoes Fusion is really important: instead of ending my 1st turn on Alkahest + FMF, I can now end on Orichalc/Mithrilium + 2x FMF depending on the matchup (Orichalc against backrow-heavy decks, Mithrilium against Tenyi or decks likely to run Dark Hole like Trickstar). This setup is more resilient to backrow removal and puts more pressure on decks that attempt to beat Alkahest by setting 3 backrow and passing, also it doesn't lose to Book of Moon.

I tried Super Polymerization: thanks to Adamante and Crimsonite, it's theoretically very strong, but it's an unsearchable 1-of in a deck that really wants to play 30 cards. I concluded that it wasn't worth the Extra Deck space, which is already very tight as the Ningirsu package won me many games and it's crucial against Tenyi.

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