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King of Games from on September 4th, 2023
Gems 22.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

#ShareDeck #DuelLinks https://duellinks.konami.net/att/0214a9a4f050efab1f831c988c38b9b2f6a6842011

  • Fieldspell alone is 1 disruption (you end on yuhi + defeating evil)
  • Fieldspell + Kokoku is 2 (after yuhi pop, you can either search or summon ah-gyo as an additional destruction

Thats kinda the whole gameplay loop you are doing. You use the fusion spell to bait out interuptions or to otk. Turn 1 you are not setting up a fusion, ideally you either want to end on yuhi/kokoku set 2 pass. You are using ascendance as an additional way to trigger kokoku or you can dodge the destruction effect of defeating evil with this to get additional bodies. But the reason I play 3 ascendance is because you want to get back your rescoures every single turn. This constantly adds you back your yuhi to search more defeating evils or invitation to otk OR you give back your kokoku to continue summon it in your opponents turn to disrupt their plays. Toon world/comic hand is just in here because I think its funny to yoink boss monster. Its not rly that good and you can perfectly play 2 of your favorite backrow/backrow removal instead and play skills like lp boost alpha or Beatdown.

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