
King of Games from on October 10th, 2024
Gems 10.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Hello Duelists! For those who are looking for a F2P KOG Metarion deck, you have come to the right place! This Metarion deck performed very well for me (80% win rate) and I reached KOG effortlessly (Duel replays at the bottom). Metarion is very fun to play and they are very strong when played corectly. Despite there being only 1 copy of Imaginary Reactor, Star Restart, Ghost Cyclone, Ahsurastar and Vitrastar, this Metarion deck is still very powerful and playable.

In my opinion, Metarion is stronger than Cyber Dragon decks and possibly the strongest archetype currently in Rush Duel. Imaginary and Metarion cards can be combined with other decks as they synergize so well with other decks such as Wyrm Excavator and Mirror Innovator, the possibilites are limitless.

Hope you enjoy my awesome Metarion deck video (at the bottom) which shows how this deck performed, how to play the deck and it reaching KOG. :)

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