Noodle Ninja

King of Games from on October 11th, 2023

Notes & Combos

So far, this has been my favorite speed duel deck, so i had to represent by hitting KoG with em. Basically, Youre playing some spellcasters for the draw engine; normals to boost up Spice. Nobody is expecting 3 Phantom binds in this meta, so they always attack, expecting you to be bluffing. Important to save your best monsters for AFTER the enemy has summoned their big guys. waste them, they will retaliate rinse and repeat. play defensive until the clear moment of attack presents itself; sometimes this happens rapidly; and sometimes people will wait to see what you have first. dont fall for this. bait with the sorcerer of champion when necessary; but never waste spice or youre just throwing. People have been sleeping on Spice ever since sevens world dropped. anyone thinking about it should definitely try out your own version of this deck

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