
King of Games from on October 6th, 2023

Notes & Combos

This is 100% a legit deck, not meme by any means since 70-80% of my matches have been vs all tiered decks on ladder playing at start of month, and I only played this list with some refinements here and there over the KoG run. Consistency is very good and flow very nicely, definitely much more fun than standard Bonds Synchrons that is arguably linear and boring.

One of the best pros of this version is the fact Nekroz monsters enables the Signers very efficiently, in a way like Mekks did it. Having follow up after Explorer gets interrupted going 2nd is extremely good, or like bait backrow and then go Trish-Signers for game (or Quarion). In addition to that, even if is not popular anymore at the moment because pendulum fell off popularity, having a searchable out to Roach which has always been a massive bain for Synchrons is awesome, not gonna lie.

Ending t1 on Croco+Clausolas/Gungnir depending on matchup is much stronger than standard Bonds t1, Trishula can break through very hard field to dismantle like T1 Infinitrack/Tenyi and Valkyrius gives a massive survivability boost in general to this.

I decided to not include Manjus since they simply conflicts with our standard pitch Jet-normal summon Explorer, because I wanted Nekroz to be purely an extension to Synchrons, which is in my opinion the best way to play this version, otherwise better to play pure at that point.

3x Preparation of Rites are mandatory in this list to mantain the Nekroz engine as an extension, and Tuning mills have been very often beneficial to get a free target for Cycle/a free ritual spell from gy with Prep. 2x Cycle and 1x Mirror is all you need, never missed having a 2nd mirror, which can be bricky.

Most difficult matchup is probably BLS going 1st since it can disable Valkyrius with Legendary Swordsman and easily break your field, that's why Lancea is in the deck, which is very strong currently to completely disable Tenyi/BLS/Orcust turns.

I will include some replays vs tiered decks going 1st/2nd to showcase the capability of the deck better.

If you want to ask anything about the deck and play patterns, do it.

Thanks for reading and good luck with your KoGs!

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  1. vs D-HERO (going 1st)

  2. vs Tenyi (going 1st)

  3. vs Tenyi (going 1st)

  4. vs BLS (going 2nd)

  5. vs Infinitrack (going 2nd)