
King of Games from on November 30th, 2023
Gems 27.5k + $15
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Beware going against Dark Magician or another Jaden/Yubel. For Dark Magician you would want to run MST to get rid of the pesky Eternal Soul. As for going against Jaden/Yubel you would want to save a copy of Yubel until after they used their Super Poly or already have Kulgar in their field. If your opponent had a Yubel in the field and you don't have a super poly (or you already used it) but you do have a Yubel in your hand then you would want to summon Terror Incarnate and it will get rid of theirs. Also when facing off against Kulgar Yubel is a great counter since Kulgar won't do anything to Yubel, but the person using Kulgar will take 3k damage. The 3 win cons are Yubel, Super Poly, and Kulgar. just be careful when facing another Jaden/Yubel as well as Dark Magician if you're going to run this exact deck without an MST.

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