
King of Games from on November 9th, 2023
Gems 12k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Deck Building: YamiRuler 3x is better for consistency, but for F2P players, 2x should be acceptable as long as you don't misplay. (Same for Kuribot) Pierce can be run on 3x if needed, but for less potential bricks, 2x should be enough.

Strategy: Prioritize Yamiruler's delay effect over damage unless your SURE you're in lethal range. Kimeruler is a great source of damage for turtle-ing opponents. (3 set monsters) However, always try and maintain monster advantage, even if you have to waste a pierce spell. The only consistent counters against you should be Sevens Witch summoning Sevens Magician from hand, and Gravity Press. Otherwise, consistent climb to the top!

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