
King of Games from on November 23rd, 2023
Gems 14k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck is... certainly something. Definitely a wild ride for my first KOG. Sometimes I'd just lose on the draw because I brick, and you can easily brick between 4 one ofs, and a bunch of cards that don't do things by themselves. It's also super infuriating to run into traps like IDP and crackdown, which delete your fusion materials. You also run out of resources super quickly between alleviation, marten banishing itself, and fusing multiple monsters in your hand.

On the other hand, this deck just autowins sometimes. I lost to bls maybe twice because going first and is a free win. The only way BLS can out it is with flame swordsman, which is useless if you have tenki, or if they draw idp which anything can. You also autowin with this vs live twin (unless they search the level 10, but who even plays that). Going second it's also incredibly powerful powerful, its boardwipe invalidates their defense position monsters and leaves them near dead. You also have a bunch of extension with tiger and marten.

Anyways uh matchups:

Live twin: autowin going first (nightmare or leo dancer, but i'd go for nightmare just so they cant summon the big guy. If possible, go for both to **** on them further. going second you lose to their handtraps and traps, unless you draw lunalight fusion and they dont have IDP.

Tenyi: Pretty good matchup. Dweller stops a lot of their plays. Going first make dweller and nightmare, and hope they can't make the level 8 synchro. going second just beat them to death with dweller/marten, and try to OTK or you're screwed over by the level 8 synchro.

rokket: not fun. Going first tracer can play through 1 flip by popping itself, so you only have 1 flip. Good luck. Going second, try to turbo out leo dancer through 2 nightmare activations and void ogre negating a spell.

Cyberse: Decent matchup. Going first, dweller + nightmare shuts down a lot of their plays by just flipping every extender and negating their GY revives/micro coder. Going second is harder, you need to make leo dancer through borreload furious and potential backrow

Yubel: Annoying. Going first you can't do anything as the skill stops you from flipping anything, and spoly will stop you flipping any fusions they make. going secodn is better, as tenki can negate their yubel/burn from kluger. try to swing for game in 1 hit)

I'm out of space, but that's about every good deck in the format.

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