
King of Games from on November 22nd, 2023
Gems 9k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

I wasn't very motivated to rank for King of Games this season but the release of new Lunalight support changed my mind.

Serena is my favorite character from my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! series, Arc-V. I love her chivalrous attitude and all the bound-by-honor soldier vibe. thus I have always been excited about playing Lunalight in Duel Links. I have tried to rank to KoG with Lunalight a couple times in the last year, but I am not a very good player and I got tired after trying, always changing decks. But now, with the new cards released, Lunalight has a very high potential and getting to KoG is easier for mediocre players like me.

The choice of 2 copies of different cards such as Tenki or Tiger is to avoid bricking with 2 in hand. I added Purple Butterfly to push for special summon of a level 4 to get to a rank 4 if needed, and it worked very well for me. I also added the White Rabbit to deal with difficult spell/traps such as Tonon Kingdom, but it never came up.

In my opinion, the deck does fairly well against most of the meta except for Yubel Eternal Bond deck. I lost many of my games against it both going first and second, although going second is a little better. For going first against this deck I devised the idea of Dreadnought, which was moderately successful. All other cards are regular choice for Lunalight.

The deck is very fun to play, it has many different play lines and it is cheap to get, so I totally recommend it for ranked play in the current meta.

Fusion summon!

Good luck with yout climbs.

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