Notes & Combos
Choice of techs:
3 cosmics for ladder bc dear god deck loses hard to crackdown (also good to out the charmer continuous spell forever).
Chalice is amazing against twins going 1st or 2nd and mildly decent against Geists (which this deck struggles against). Chalice also goes hard vs Yubel Heroes.
Would drop Book if BLS was nerfed, but you have a hard time against multiple 3k bodies outside of Plasma and Trinity (easier to go into this vs Blue Eyes since it isn't backrow focused like BLS).
Prophecy was a 1-of tech choice I stole off another tourney D-hero list in September and included in my ladder deck last month, but I've found great success in it at 2 since in tourneys and decided to keep it at 2 for ladder climb.
Beatrice is still my preferred method of D-Hero for nearly 100% celestial follow up going 1st (helping you draw into fusion recovery for building pressure with Dystopia), relevant banish in Farfa for disruption (disrupts links too), and float into Virgil bc Dark Hole sacks are still semi-prevalent and extra body helps you as another 2500 beater (issue for twins) or for Plasma special summon.
Outside of backrow-focused decks like BLS and Geist, I find Tenyi matchup the hardest as even though Trinity doesn't proc Berserker banish and can swing for 4k damage, archive skill gets them to 6k LP. Ring of Destruction has a funny interaction against Tenyi though if they only have red in grave and you have Decider in yours: Ring activates and Decider chain-blocks Red. Decider also does a lot against Yubel Heroes negating big effect damage and letting you swing over Kluger or Wiseman safely.
This is probably some weird chain ruling, but in the damage step if Beatrice, Virgil or Swordsmen floats or draws and effect damage is being taken, the effect damage is CL1, float or draw CL2, and Decider still activates as CL3, returns to hand but doesn't negate the effect damage. Not YGO ruling smart enough to know why.
P.S. Bricks are fun in this deck.