
King of Games from on November 26th, 2023

Notes & Combos

This is the deck that got me to KoG my first season back to the game since Shiranui meta. The climb was incredibly easy averaging a ~70% winrate, almost no brick hands whatsoever. Never bothered playing any handtraps or extra spells as they felt very unnecessary. Around Legend 2 I swapped out Steelswarm Roach for a second Tiger King as my only losses were into decks I couldn't shut down after losing my first copy. Around Platinum 4 I realized I hadn't summoned Yamato a single time so I swapped them out for a second Amaterasu for the rare occassion I couldn't win after 4 turns and expended most of my resources.

End of your first turn should look like an Amaterasu and Susanowo on the board with any combination of Turtle, Hare, or Fox in the grave and atleast 1 Crane in your hand. Literally anything else meant I was vulnerable to numerous decks on the ladder so I'd opt to stall out the game with Fox till I could set up a proper board. I kept 1 Quilin in the deck for cards that couldn't be destroyed by battle after I realized early on that you'd have 0 out against a Lunalight Player who just decides to Cat Dancer and Stall.

Priority should always be getting Mahitotsu out first to bait any handtraps, after you're sure you're in the clear you wanna summon into Torifune and tributer for any Bujin and a Hiruko. Then you'll xyz's summon into Susanowo and detach Hiruko for either a Crane, Hare, Turtle, or Fox in hand. Then use Hiruko to send Hare, Turtle, or Fox to the grave and add Hiruko back to hand. Next you'd pendulum Hiruko and banish it to summon out Amaterasu, at which point you'll chain Torifune to attach itself onto it. After that you want to detach Turtle, Fox, or Hare from Amaterasu to summon back another Susanowo and detach Hiruko from Susanowo to add a Crane to your hand. If you've managed all that correctly congratulations, you've almost definitely won the game. On the off chance they out your board just banish Fox from the grave the second your LP goes down by 1500 to activate Draw Sense: Beast Warrior and do the exact same combo again on your next turn. You can also substitute that second Susanowo if you're playing turn 2 with a Tiger King in case they're playing Yubel/Timelords.

Shout to my boy Ryan for teaching me this toxic *** deck during summer camp back in 2014

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