Black Luster Soldier

King of Games from on November 15th, 2023
Gems 73.5k + $38
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Plat 4 - Leg 1 was Yubel, S-Force & Altergeist. Then I realised I liked Twins, got to Leg 5 with it.

Lost KoG rank up with Twins

Immediately after, lost KoG rank up with Yubel

won 2 duels then lost

Immediately after, lost KoG rank up with Twins

new LL comes out, proceed to derank back to Legend 4 with LL

Therefore me using BLS to KoG is justifiable

duel 5 vs synchrons:

quicker to type it than watching replay. i bricked no s/t's except chaos form, 3 bls beatsticks, summon 2 of em and prayed. he crystal wing's and beats over envoy. i summon 3 beatsticks again, try to enter bp, he chalices swordsman. vanilla atks over jet, super atks crystal, battle step bom the crystal, he let it resolve then still had toggle on. then he scooped. he had rankup chance to legend 4

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duel 1 vs blue eyes

duel 2 vs blue eyes

duel 3 vs s-force (actually a crazy duel worth watching)

duel 4 catapult turtle cyberse ftk (thank f*** they insta scooped)

duel 5 vs synchrons