
King of Games from on May 4th, 2024
Gems 57k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Mind con is good because you steal your opponent's monster then send it for the skill. But going first, its a deàd card so yea..

Lance felt better than MST in general. But MST pops the shaddoll fusion trap, pops zombie world field spell, pops occasional necrovalleys and summon breakers so yea there's that too..

The one trap negate that I play felt weird.. you can cut it, you can play it, its up to you.👍Its searchable by mimicry but you almost ALWAYS search pain lanius or strangle lanius instead. I summon requiem which is 3 negates so it doesn't feel like I need that trap. it's good for a follow-up negate I guess.

I wish I could play Revolution Falcon. I just don't have the space for it. Cannon comes up in clutch when you rank him from Air Raid. I had to cut my favorite boi Revolution.

I like the deck. It's great👍 I'll probably share a bunch of replays in the comment section. Aiight see you later fellas. Peace and Love🫡❤️

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