
King of Games from on May 5th, 2024
Gems 46.5k + $45
30 cards

Notes & Combos

I did it! I hit KoG with the exact same build. Once again, I want to apologize that I posted here since some of you are expecting to see pure Fabled builds. Nonetheless, let me add a few more tips for this decklist.


● Fabled Andwraith's effect activates whenever it's special summoned. This works really nice with Fabled Treason and Back to the Front if you manage to open those.

● The knightmares pretty much never come up and I only used Phoenix once in all my games for the purpose of a discard.

● Reptilianne Echidna and Zohah can chain block which is very useful against negate boss monsters like dark requiem.

● Stormaze skill only serves to avoid quick lethals and you rarely use the Atk boost.

● Fabled Abanc and Kushano are always great to have in grave to discard and trigger any Fabled you get later on. Also Aleirrt (the dark Ogdo) can recycle Abanc alongside a reptile if it's banished.

● D.D crow can hurt the deck at times but you can play through it in most cases. Also nunu is a really good bait card in many matchups.

● And last but not least, your rank 8s will mostly come out of Keurse and Aleirrt, but be sure to use the appropriate one depending on the matchup or situation.

That's all I got. Thanks to everyone for the support and I hope you enjoy this list. My climb was a lot of fun this month and I hope you all do well too. And without further ado, Enjoy the replays!

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