
King of Games from on May 5th, 2024
Gems 47.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

The new skill combined with the new Fabled Support give new life to Unicore Control. Marcosia, Abanc and Treason along with the skill give Unicore access to a in archetype resource loop. The deck can go first or second well. Andwraith can be revived off the trap to get its effect and sometimes is made instead of Charge Warrior. Crystal Wing boards can be made instead if the deck doesn't draw Obedience Schooled. Had 3 Grimro early on but cut to 2 for a third Crackdown as the deck has enough access to Grimro. Opting for 2 Marcosia as some opening boards get weaker if I only ran 1. One example is a line starting with Marcosia discard Cerb with access to Grimro. Marcosia + Cerb special summon -> Grimro search Abanc -> Skill discard Abanc to add Grimro -> Grimro add 2nd Marcosia -> Make level 6 synchro -> Abanc discard Marcosia and search Treason off the Marcosia -> Make Crystal Wing.

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Duel 1 - Red-Eyes Zombie:https://duellinks.konami.net/att/02d45948a31eabe37c3360560597d1168155743ff9 Duel 2 PK: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/00ff3e0575cdba08f876fdb61069e9044650faca41 Duel 3 Galaxy: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/06ad3101bae5f5a95acc833091a87276cfc81d4577 Duel 4 HERO (Went down to the wire) https://duellinks.konami.net/att/07f72a773a90c8a5b9fc8cec1a5a541d735557dfec KoG Rank-Up Ice Barrier: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/078a7b4d777053807342c432a4c374f7fff8879a6d