
King of Games from on May 3rd, 2024
Gems 58.5k
24 cards

Notes & Combos

Very fun grind, the deck is pretty effective in the meta. Although I almost never summoned memorygant, pookuery is a really nice addition, but increases your odds of having few traps in hand, I played a bigger build to increase the odds of opening with multiple traps as a result. As doing so decreases the consistency, I chose to play with destiny draw, draw sense water would probably be really nice too, these skills also have great synergy with ring of destruction. I like fiendish chain as it is also pretty good going 2nd (for example against T.G) and play 1 emulatelf because it can be very useful in some cases (avoid some otk as you summon it in def position,...). Concerning the limit 3, compulse is very nice, being able to target your own monsters allows really cool combos/interactions (dodge successor soul,...)

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