
King of Games from on May 9th, 2023
Gems 33k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Before anything, I must say that this season was rough, I tried everything and still got stuck at leg 1, even orcusts couldn't help me as there were counters everywhere. When I had given up on everything, I gave this deck a chance and it got me here to the top, even if my matches were lucky ones. I would for sure play more copies of the URs if I had them, but I haven't had the luck to pull them just yet. About the deck: Gravitino floodgate screws a lot of decks over, even against a pendulum deck since their trap can still give them troubles. If you notice a response activation on your Rappa's summon: you should hold it and pass turn and wait for the opponent to try to remove it and chain its effect, worst case scenario you'll lose it after the opponent wastes 2 disruptions on it, however the 8 disruption traps in the deck are more than enough to hold you for a safer turn to combo off. I'll be anwsering any further questions in the comments. #FreeLupine #FreeRBElder

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The 5 KoG matches if you're still doubtful:

VS Hero: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/05bd828c41880cdf467d4fdda92fc2243e41bfceea

Vs Solfachord: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/028e8854adde6b826faddf8cefa303d9ab7483de4f

Mirror Match: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/007d947a6e5df89060a3378cdd6c9a63f3f9e84afb

Vs code talker(???): https://duellinks.konami.net/att/017fe89d93c7d1993200e89d7a386e815b13514a90

Vs Orcust: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/01f1b4c0b08d1ca1b87ae92c21514839d62af0caa7