
King of Games from on May 22nd, 2023
Gems 33.5k + $8
26 cards

Notes & Combos

If you get pendulum call and scarp in your hand,you can make a combo of shooting raise dragon + scarp + orcust harp + dingirsu + orcustrated release.It's quite overwhelming in this meta.This combo of shooting raise dragon + scarp + orcust harp can synchron summon ice barrier in your opponent's turn.Scarp and orcust harp are both machine type can be consumed by orcustrated release.

The key point of this combo is when you synchron summon shooting raise,using level 4 monster the skill provided as material and send nobledragon from your deck to tomb. Addtionally,more traps and cosmics are welcome in this deck but less tactical cards less block,your choice.When you operate odd eyes and orcust in one turn,remember do odd eyes first.

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