
King of Games from on May 8th, 2023
Gems 78k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

This meta is really awful. It has been only a week and this meta just proves to me that we really need Hey, Trunade! back or they need to give us Twin Twisters, just more backrow hate because this meta (mainly Orcust, the best deck rn) is backrow heavy, to the point that they set just two and win from there. Which is also why I gave up on getting KoG with Onomats, because no matter how strong of a turn 1 they can produce, the opponent can set 2 to 3 GOING SECOND and actually win. That, plus consistently getting bad hand after bad hand, I went from Platinum 6 to Legend 5... to Legend 2 with Onomats, making me gave up on that deck until they address this problem that has been getting worse and worse. Giving up on a fairly strong deck in favor of the best deck isn't new to me, it happened before with me failing to get anywhere with Goukie (when they were strong btw) and changed to Mekk-Knights (which is so boring to play imo). Although... instead of going for pure Orcust like everyone else, I went with Orcust Gandora, which is something I was excited about because I had already made this idea before we got the good stuff and I am a huge Gandora fan since the deck was discovered when it came out, and good lord... This felt SO GOOD to play and I actually got good results against set 2-3, which convinced me to KoG with it and there you go. 100 wins with Onomats and Orcust Gandora, with the latter helping me get to Heaven.

Initially, I went for the Levianeer package (x2 Levis, x1 Melody) and had Borreload Dragon on the ED, but they barely came up or did nothing for me, so I changed the package for one Tin Goldfish and one Kagetokage for extension which, btw, this will be the first time after a year since Kagetokage has been used in a deck summited in DLM! Also went for a second Chalice just to deal with Dingus the Bingus Mingus and other annoying decks like, as well as replacing Borreload for Unicorn which came out a lot more times than Borreload.

The rest of the stuff is expected. x3 Gandora names, x10 Gadgets to make the skill live, the Orcust stuff because it allows this deck to be good in the current format (with x3 Harp Horror to be special summoned by Gold/Silver Gadget), x3 Lancea for the Orcust mirrors, and Gear Gigant to search Harp Horror or Cymbal Skeleton.

That is it, I think. Hope this whole set 2-3 and win problem and my bad luck stops so I can KoG with Onomats some day.

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