
King of Games from on May 23rd, 2023
Gems 25.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Okay so this 100% needs explanation. No this isn't a meme, orcust being a standout engine is actually nto the main reason I picked up the good ol plants, Link kuriboh is a crazy good card. You get it into rotation will all your 1.5 card starters, draw a couple cards, do the orcust line, sesrch return, draw some more, then hopefully you extended enough to end on ding plus link kuriboh. If you didnt then its fine cuz you drew into your backrow for sure. as long as your opponent cant break through a tonnof life points, ding, and almost infinitly recorrable link kuriboh, you get to start stalling for ages. you cant deci out, you cant die to small poke, you just keep living till eventually you win. its toxic, its cringe, butnits super fun when you get up the backrow plus ding. anyway have fun! if yall want replays ill grab some.

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