
King of Games from on March 4th, 2024
Gems 35.5k
21 cards

Notes & Combos

I hate this meta.

I don't like playing this deck, but I was losing my sanity against tachyion 4x interruptions EVERY. SINGLE. GAME

I would have made make tachyion instead, but this was cheaper

(pickup box + lucky pulls for mezuki, beatrice and Doomkaiser. Something like 6-7k gems)

Shiranui matchup is simply disgusting. The turn 1 player simply torture the going 2nd player

Tachyion matchup with 3 sets is just mentally draining

Basically, you can go on a coinflip simulator site, and you'll have the same exact experience of playing in legend 5

Pray to win the coinflip, or be paired with some poor legend 1 who's trying to play fun decks until you get 5 winstreak...

2x mystical space tycoon would be way better that Archfiend / Cosmic, and actually made me lose some games. Sadly I don't have them

1x Mezuki because I was trying to spend as little as possible

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