
King of Games from on March 17th, 2024
Gems 31k
21 cards

Notes & Combos

The deck features a 2 card combo from deskbot 003 and any normal metalfoes to topologic dragon with 2 quick effect nukes the deck is mostly a turn 1 deck but still can decently handle a turn 2 d.d crow is only there as a tech and can be replaced or removed

extra deck space is a main problem as the options u can go to are limited

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1:full combo for turn 1 a 2 card combo I added deskbot 003 becuz i alreay had one in hand

2:going second replay vs zombies I bricked pretty bad here but dd crow came in clutch

3:vs trickstars where they had a dd crow and 2 dark holes d.d crow is not much of a problem