
King of Games from on March 30th, 2024
Gems 52.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

I used the decklist from mane4001 who KOGed on 17th March and it worked quite well at the end of the month.

Lance can save you from you opponent disrupting your combo, and BoM is also pretty good in this meta.

If you still have Yuki-Musume in your hand or GY as a follow-up (while having Dakki and Yuki-Onna on board), you can summon the LV5-Synchro and leave a stronger board by just putting the LV7-, LV9- and LV11- Synchros in your GY instead of all Synchros. You would just synchro-climb with Dakki and Yuki-Musume until LV5

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