King of Games from on March 24th, 2024
Gems 61k + $4
29 cards

Notes & Combos

I finally made it, after 3 seasons. (Legends 1-4 were alright, but Leg. 5 took forever).

First and foremost, yes this deck can brick and isnt all that good but its pretty fun and has a lot of different niche plays that can be made. I kept it at 29 since I found it to be the most consistent, but my recommended cards are the following if you want to fill that up: Vision Hero Gravito, King of the Swamp (Super fun), Future Fusion, +1 Mask Change, +1 Vyon. As for Anki, you can swap him for: +1 Sunrise, Trinity, Nova Master, The Shining, or a Grandmerge (Goes mad hard).

Your main strategy for this deck is to do the usual Vision Hero plays. The basic line goes as follows: Summon stratos in the middle MZ, search Faris, special summon all the way to Vyon, send a Liquid Soldier to GY with Vyon (if you don't have one in hand), Fuse Sunrise middle MZ, Link Wonder Driver with Increase and Vyon, Miracle fuse Great Tornado under Driver. After that you either set a Mask Change, Pot, or just hold on to something in your had for defense (SS from Driver). Anything else is just a variation of this line. A pretty nice one is to summon Wingman if possible. This grants you a Skyscraper, saves Great Tornado, and can be followed up by Shining Flare when applicable. Also easy Mask Change play.

The main benefit of this deck is having Skyscraper and a bunch of materials with the Vanilla Heroes. Most of your ED fusions are useless, bad or unplayable with Grandmerge or KOTS, but you have some niche ones that can save you. These include: Rampart Blaster, Mariner, Tempest, and Thunder Giant. Wingman is a great win condition as he comes as a (practically) 3.1k beater with burn. Any other chip damage on top of that is just gg. Some hands will just be unplayable, but this version has managed to be super consistent. Get very creative when playing around disruption, don't be afraid to fuse into the vanilla fusions and build them with searches like Conscription/Stratos/Reinforcement/Vyon Foolish, and utilize Increase, Mask change, and the pot to extend your plays. The Pot can reset Vyon into the deck, recover Sunrise, and disrupt Banish plays from your opponent.

Feel free to ask anything.

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