Notes & Combos
Would run another kaiju if i had it
Still unsure about 1 blue 2 memory, might change to 2 blue 1 memory
2nd magius didn't really come up in my run, unsure if i would keep it or play some other link in its place.
borreload is funny but only used it once in my run, prob can cut it for more utility stuff
heavily considered running the galaxy package, but phoenix + unicorn does come up from time to time, and you kinda already doing the same thing with equimax if opp allows to
tech slots are fully free, if you have crackdown, use those, warning point is huge in this deck since you want to freeze their plays, but not flip down to allow for easy equimax otks
skill can be literally any of the "start with x spell on s/t zone"
Blake is a bozo