
King of Games from on June 14th, 2023
Gems 44.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Went undefeated with a 17 winstreak, from Leg1 directly to KoG. Speed Recovery is actually very good becayse no HOPT, and makes a difference when going 2nd, expecially in the mirror match.

Shiranui Squiresaga is the Synchro i have chosen for the ED flex spot, since it's very efficient on turn 3 with Double Yoyo normal summon.

Rest of the deck I consider it pretty much standard, and Kitedrake is surely a very strong finisher that really puts a lot of pressure when going 2nd.

Just in time before the banned I guess, hopefully this doesn't get the Synchrons treatment like it happened last KC Cup.

Cheers Synchro fellas.

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