
King of Games from on June 27th, 2022
Gems 41k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

I got incredibly lucky with the UR sale to get Goldriver, so I decided to go for the deck and make my own. I do not have Bakura, so I could not use Summoner's Art, but I found I made do without it pretty well. Also, it was nice to finally use the Rescue Rabbit I kept getting during UR sales xD

Usually I like going turn 1 and from there try to make the ideal board set-up with Orichalic fusion summoned and have Fullmetalfoes Fusion set. This will allow you to disrupt board set-up next turn for your opponent by destroying one card on the field via Orichalic floating effect after being sent to graveyard, and then summon Alkaheist to prepare to steal an effect monster.

Turn 2 isn't terrible either, as you already have a board you can figure out how you want to play. You can summon Mithrilium and return a card to the hand to prepare an OTK; you can push major damage with Orichalic if the monster is in defense position. You can fusion summon again if your monster is floodgated or fiendish chained or any other disrupter, or use fullmetalfoes fusion to push more damage.

I rarely used Malevolent Sin, and Hamster actually came in clutch at times for hand.

Mirror matches were annoying, and Burning Abyss also were a pain, but otherwise you could make do with any other deck. It's a really fun deck, and can be a bit overwhelming at first, but eventually you get a rhythm and can get a feel for how to achieve victory. Good luck, and feel free to ask any questions or share your thoughts!

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