
King of Games from on June 9th, 2022
Gems 8k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

For how cheap this is, it has lots going for it:

  • Almost nothing about this deck is OPT: This includes 002's search & 003's boost which is funny since 2x 003 boost is game over anything. The others have a great toolbox of effects (005 is Breaker, 006 is Nishipachi, 007 is Dyna Fur Hire with piercing, 008 is Vendread Executor with double attack)

  • 008 is MVP: Soaking up Frightfur Tigers and Books, making your opponent MST & Orthos their own back-row, double attacking for big damage, also turns off your opp's 003 boost in the mirror. With 2 008s on field, our entire board can't be targeted

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