
King of Games from on July 31st, 2023
Gems 23.5k + $150
20 cards

Notes & Combos

I got my first KoG with salas. I went from legend 2 to kog with this version of sala. I din't think i could reach kog with it mostly because i never play salas in my life, but boy o boy ended loving the deck it's super fun to play and most important i fell pretty comfortable playing the deck.

about basics combos going first u always want to have fowl and gazelle in hand with a salamangreat circle to have full combo which ends on a board with sunlight wolf + a rank 4 xyz and ur cicle on as backrow.

going second depends if u are playing against heavy backrow or alot of interruptions u always want to bait them with ur salas to have free way if u draw kurikara or gizmek kaku or both.

that's basically all there are another combos and tricks but there are not that important in my opinion.

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some replays:

  1. orcust:
  2. speedroids:
  3. crusadia:
  4. speedroids:
  5. gearfrid(InstaSurrender):