
King of Games from on July 5th, 2023
Gems 41k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

the goal of the deck is seting up its floodgates and controlling the game until the oponent is drained out of resources. Your ideal turn 1 board is either Pla-Tina, Gravitino & Edge Razor + 2 set cards; or, Pla-Tina/Edge Razor & Gravitino + 3 sets. last month I achieved KoG with just 2 field spells and 1 Rappa Chiyomaru, so you can surely fit the amount you have and do just fine. Extra deck is fluff besides the boss monster. huge thanks for my discord friends who believed in me. #FreeLupine #FreeRBElder

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Vs Odd-Eyes https://duellinks.konami.net/att/06e6fe70cd7f60785c642324e3cda9057f9126bf2f Vs Orcust/Nekroz https://duellinks.konami.net/att/00adfee45d192b72de3f9ccf26c32597fab9dab222 Vs Speedroid https://duellinks.konami.net/att/03fc6eeb13e4f062d3f328981d540b4fff1724b957 Vs D-Hero #ReprisarDuelo #DuelLinks https://duellinks.konami.net/att/0697ae918eb0ade46f7615fc058972f6422c52577a Vs E-Hero #ReprisarDuelo #DuelLinks https://duellinks.konami.net/att/00a14542df82308a11a2059121770889863460ba33