
King of Games from on July 12th, 2023
Gems 36.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

I think Book of Moon and Forbidden Chalice are the way to go due to Speedroids. I felt that Cosmic Cyclone was a dead card most of the time because, if you don't have play in turn 1, Cosmic does nothing to resist one turn, even with Octostretch in hand. Surprisingly, I find that Gouki can play around backrow, and Book of Moon can help you if your opponent activates Chalice or Warning Point to negate your Suprex.

This is my first time with the deck though. These are my views during KoG climbing.

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My duel to KoG: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/07887a9ac57d646a6eb495049e6c3bd02620d53972