Notes & Combos
I decided to play the skill "level 5 reload" to get a little more consistency. i never used my extra deck exept my nightmare monsters and the 1 game where i needed dingirsu against a ra sphere mode
Replays KOG1
make sure to destroy the monster who has cadecus as xys material =) KOG 2
its funny how much BLS player remove their own monsters :D KOG 3
just some face down xD KOG 4
i was so ready for the otk. ramming dark destroyer in BLS, search sliprider, ramming into gaia searching farmgirl, dealing dmg, search destroyer. but than he had a hand trap xD KOG 5
i heavely misplayed in my KOG match. i should have used kozmojo against the first summon, but i was to afraid of lance. however, lance could conter kozmojo on any situation. also on my last turn i used goodwitch against the wrong monster.