Ancient Warriors

King of Games from on January 29th, 2024

Notes & Combos

Three Kingdoms PogChamp


Great against Constellar, Suship, and Eternal Bond

Ok against Tenyi, Shaddoll and Mayakashi

Flounders like a fish to Live Twin and any other set 3 pass deck.


This deck is probably the best Normal summon reliant deck currently available. However, if your normal summon is interupted in any way that isnt bounce, you are in a bad spot.

Luckily for us, bounce is one of the most prevelant forms of interaction at the moment since Constellar is like 70% of the ladder experience.

I played around with the ratios of basically every card. The mandatory 3 ofs are Sun Mou and Three visits , but probably also tensu because it unbricks hands and is the only way the deck can salvage going second. You want at least 2 Zhuge Kong in case you draw it without tensu. Everything else felt fine at 1.

I put the east by south winds as soley a name to put the zhuge negate online that can help play around certain negates but everytime I hard drew it i hated it. Play it at your own risk.

The Extra deck also changed around alot during the climb. Its really up to you if you want dweller or the utopia package but regardless of everything else, PLAY BORRELOAD. NObody expects it and it saves so many unfavorable matchups.

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This is why we play borreload

Constellars (1,2, and 3) invalid url
