
King of Games from on January 15th, 2024
Gems 59.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Spoofing being now semilimited is a pretty nice buff for Altergeist. I decided to remove Ballista and Dinomischus in favor of Canadia and Breakthrough Skill, because of their lightier activation conditions: although the effects are slightly weaker, they're better in situations where I desperately need to activate a trap to trigger Multifaker in hand but I don't have anything to discard or tribute, which comes up sometimes.

Although it's now possible to play a Limit 1 card, I wasn't really convinced by One For One because it's a spell which requires discarding a monster specifically. It's obviously very good in combination with Marionetter and another Altergeist, making it possible to end on Hexstia + Manifestation + Multifaker in hand turn 1, but this is a pretty unrealistic combo considering that One For One is limited and you don't really want to play more than 1-2 copies of Marionetter (as it doesn't do much on its own, since we don't have Protocol or Haunted Rock). In my experience, One For One just made the average hand worse, as I'd rather have another trap instead most of the times.

I also experimented with Spellbook of Knowledge: in theory, you can draw into Multifaker or more traps by tributing any Geist name and it also triggers Meluseek, but in practice it felt like I was either drawing into more monsters, or I was forced to tribute Multifaker. I will probably experiment a little more with these options, however it would be pretty nice if we got a Limit 1 trap that's actually worth running (Impermanence bundle when?). Ghost Gal's rerun is going to happen pretty soon, so this deck might get a nice boost by then.

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Replays compilation:

Not the most exciting ones, most of my wins were people surrendering as soon as I activated Faker.