
King of Games from on February 29th, 2024
Gems 25.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

#ShareDeck #DuelLinks https://duellinks.konami.net/att/059ce1a7625da097725383e390fde39f6b9020d7dd

First KOG in years! Had a good time grinding it out with Tenyi, fell in love with the cards when Swordsoul dropped in MD and they still feel really good in DL. I generally went for the Link 3 going first and as many of the Tenyi's as possible, and field spell if I drew Circle. Goign second it feels like win against pretty much anything, unless they draw too many Crackdown/IDP/Book and you don't have the Circle to answer. Some matchup notes:

  • Tachyon: Should probably be an auto loss going first, but a lot of players don't play around the Tenyi's correctly. I favored going for the field spell to force them to out the spell first, which hopefully prevents them getting to Dingirsu which circumvents all protection.
  • Shiranui: Didn't feel too bad. You can usually survive their push and Vishuda/Baxia clear.
  • Eternal Bond: Honestly feels super free going first or second. It's funny seeing people complain about this skill when it's so free with this deck, though I'm sure I'll be joining them when I change decks next season. It's better to hang on to your Circle instead of going for the field spell, as if they commit to the Ultimate Yubel and Kluger, you can wait for the Yubel attack then tribute Berserker for an Adhara and prevent all damage.
  • Everything else feels very favorable. If you know what they're on, try to favor searching the Tenyi that protect against their interactions and try to always have followup.

I was running Crow and Veiler in the last two slots, but they didn't feel like they had enough coverage so I just went with Lance to deal with backrow/Successor Soul/etc. Honestly now that I write this I wonder if I shouldn't have just put more Mapura/Nahata in these slots lmao.

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