Thunder Dragons

King of Games from on February 23rd, 2023
Gems 55k + $130
23 cards

Notes & Combos

The current banlist really hurts the consistency of the deck. I decided to go with backrow control instead of the usual hand trap chaos version. I flip-flopped between this version and cutting betrayer to run draw sense low level. dsll is a little more consistent but fiend farewell gives you a much higher ceiling which I found to be necessary.

Dimensional fissure is a powerful floodgate vs many meta decks and combos with solar to end on dfis+decode+roar. solar+hawk also ends on bomber+trap set. aloof is a more explosive starter and extender than gold sarc and can end on m7 or bounzer as well as recycle your banished cards. going 2nd can be hard since all the good starting plays require your normal summon. Free Aloof!

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