
King of Games from on February 12th, 2023
Gems 61k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Gave up on Kozmofoes after bricking too many times, so I'm back on the pure version.

I found out that I like Pendulum Change: Basic a lot more than Light Barrier because the Pendulum zones are too good to pass up; without them, I would sometimes find myself in awkward situations where I didn't have a free zone to steal with Alkahest (if I was setting up a double Alkahest play), or I was blocking my own zones and couldn't activate anything. Since the skill provides free zones, I tried experimenting with Combination, but eventually decided that it wasn't really worth running a 4th brick in the deck.

This skill also allows me to turn any scaled Metalfoes (not named Bismugear) into a monster in hand that can then be used as fusion material (or for whatever use I'd need), essentially making up for the lack of the free advantage provided by Light Barrier.

I'm also playing the Qliphort Scout/Monolith engine as a way to get free advantage and board presence (they're beefy Normal Pendulum monsters that can be used for summoning Alkahest or Mithrillium) and 3x Summoner's Art to search the Scout. Monolith is bad to open but it's not tragic thanks to the skill that can shuffle it right back.

I dropped the Rank4 in the Extra Deck because it didn't came up enough, and added Duelittle Chimera which was surprisingly useful: it gives Metalfoes a much needed out to Photon Lord (that doesn't require you to be able to summon a Rank4) as it boosts Mithrillium to 3100 Atk, it floats on any kind of destruction and finally it's a quick way to get value of something summoned off Rescue Rabbit/Hamster in case I don't have access to a Fusion spell. Second Orichalc never came up, so I swapped it for Knightmare Phoenix, which also never came up and was then replaced for a 2nd Chimera (which ALSO never came up. If I had it, I'd probably play a 3rd Mithrillium instead).

Hopefully Konami unlimits Fullmetalfoes Fusion, it would be cool to have the option to run stuff like Luster Pendulum, Super Poly or even Storm+Combination.

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Vs. Dinomist (OTK thanks to Duelittle Chimera): invalid url #DuelReplay #DuelLinks

Vs. Gouki (showcasing the Qli engine): invalid url #DuelReplay #DuelLinks

Vs. Mekk-Knights (outing World Legacy Secrets + Iblee lock): invalid url #DuelReplay #DuelLinks