
King of Games from on December 28th, 2023
Gems 36.5k
22 cards

Notes & Combos

We are back with another Speedroid KOG! Many of you asked for more and a lot has changed since last month. (BUFFED SKILL) This is also a much more focused decklist.

Hagoita is still the heart of the deck. Turbo it out turn 1 if possible for grind game and amazing recursion. There is no purpose for Puzzle. A free lv 8 synchro follow up with any tuner or Taketomborg is too insane to pass up.

2 dice feels WAY better than 1, it made bricking much less frequent. Plus the skill does not force you -1, so the occasional Dice draw is not the end of the world. Plus Fuki with one Wind monster is no longer gambling a dice draw.

Chalice is just better than BoM this format IMO. I have 3 BoM but using Chalice against Yubel, Live Twin, and Tenyi just tops BoM almost every time.

There is no need for Speed Recovery. It is a win more card and if you don't draw well it's a MAJOR brick. This is not the TCG, we have limited space. Getting duke in grave with Taketomborg is way more consistent. Plus combining with Hagoita, the plays are insane.

As for the extra deck, the lv 8 synchro toolbox is insane. Stardust Dragon outs live twin, Harpie is great against any Link deck especially Tenyi when they have the blue one in grave. I tested the Stardust Warrior package (Wasp + Jet Warrior) but it just takes way too much space and Stardust Warrior is not amazing this format either. Stardust Warrior and Harpie are just better options and combo better with Hagoita. Further, running the lv 8 toolbox has much better grind game potential than a single Stardust Warrior play if you were to run that package instead.

I am not a YouTuber just a passionate Speedroid player, but I made an advanced guide on YouTube if anyone is interested in seeing more of the thought process behind Speedroids and this decklist in general:

Advanced Speedroid Guide + Replays

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Advanced Speedroid Guide + Replays