
King of Games from on December 31st, 2023
Gems 65k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

After my ten win streak deck, I figured I could jam more cards in this deck if I swapped Jet Synchron for Wheelder... I just needed to switch Hastorr out for Red Wyvern, as both synchros were just included to give a fielded Scrap/Undine/Thystven extra utility.

Wheelder and Red Wyvern work really well together. Wheeleder removes anything smaller than it, and Wyvern removes anything bigger than it. It's kinda funny when Super Polymerization is changed to its effect.

Yokotuner is really nice. Revives Wheelder for more removal, or special summons Genex Controller from the hand.

Myst Wurm is leagues better than Brionaic, IMO, and hard counters Yubel.

The devistating combo is to use Wheelder as the tuner for Ruddy Rose Dragon, adds one more card to the banish pile.

TBH, I dislike this deck. It has a lot less moving parts than I'm used to.

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Hastorr Turbo?

Black Luster



Speedroids (Rankup)