Abyss Actors

King of Games from on December 3rd, 2023
Gems 57.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

I KOGed in 40 wins. Not a bad meta for this deck. As usual, sealed tombs makes and breaks this deck. It carries really hard.

If you go against Yubel/HEROs, don't summon Endymion because they'll easily lethal over it. Just go with your set sassy rookie, pass, and you're good. Also don't sealed tombs on your turn 1. Do it on turn 3 so Neos fusion can't protect.

If you go against Red-Eyes, same as Yubel/HEROs. Don't summmon Endymion. they will lethal over it with archfiend red eyes fusion (+ the burn). Sassy rookie pass is the way.

Against Trickstars, don't sealed tombs turn 1. Do it on turn 3 so they can't protect the link with the festival spell.

If you see Celine (Lunalights), No Endymion. A simple Sassy Rookie pass is the way👍

Against anything else in the meta, you can safely activate sealed tombs turn 1 and do the Endymion play.👍

I Hope what I said helps whoever needs the help. This deck is amazing. Peace and Love everyone. Take care🫡❤️

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