
King of Games from on December 16th, 2022
Gems 77k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

15 game win streak from L3 to get to KoG. Controller to unlimited helps so much just to be able to have a Lv.2 tuner. Two Pike because I felt the deck still suffered from random bricks and it's really good for otk opportunities against weak turn 1 boards.

As a lifelong Mythic Depths user, I feel that the setup is too susceptible, especially against MK and Infernoid disruption. There most likely is a better skill than Mind of the Plana; the theory was that I could catch Purple Nightfall off-guard and take advantage of tempo. In fact, I had 1 game where it actually saved me and, like how most Crystron grind games go, ended up winning.

Theoretically, Infernoid is hard losing, followed by MK, and Salad and BA should both be slight winning. Wish I played more tiered decks since I ended up farming DM extremely hard lmao.

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