Notes & Combos
Pretty similar to what you see going around, I tried cutting area zero, but no Raye is too real, 1 terra+2 area is perfect to me.
Wightprincess is probably the best card in the deck, it's a free win as long as you aren't completely steamrolled/playing against large link monsters, I also tried 2 instead of 3, nope, I'd rather brick with too many wightprincess than not have her.
Run Darkraze, the health has won me games, the extra atk has also won me games. Link restoration is cool, but it only ever amounts to a free kagari summon after turn 1, which is either a win more or too late.
Raider's Knight package still puts in work, far too often you can punish someone popping a mech and leaving raye up without backrow by popping your area zero and swinging them for 10000 damage, you'll occasionally use the opponent's monsters for it, but not often.
1x cyclone because doing gymnastics to kill a face up field spell can be torture, but having 2 in hand is always bad.
Vector blast has value and I'd consider trying it again, but the list is very tight and I got mad after milling something that gave my opponent way too much fuel for their combo (it is great for making your turn 1 engages full power, and is great removal from time to time).
I kind of want to try more with the old skill, but the consistency of 20 card / 3 engage is too much to pass up.
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