
King of Games from on August 25th, 2024
Gems 37k + $11
20 cards

Notes & Combos

I just got back in the game and first time reaching kog ever (more of a collector myself lol) so I thought of sharing a deck. Played salamangreat (while building this deck) from rookie to legend but matchups against most meta decks are horrible so I switched (still trying to get droplet to try on that deck).

Same honeybot lock combo but here are a few things about this deck:

  1. Can add linkslayer or cyclone for more backrow removal but this gave me the best consistency so far.

  2. I prefer 3x defenser and only 2x guardian, so I have higher chances of getting defenser as a combo starter (if you start at guardian you might be 1-monster short of doing your combo: 1st turn, no ddr and forced to ritual summon magician).

  3. Flier is good to have as 1 of your lvl 2s because you can also summon it via your opponents link monster if they have. Converter as well for its special summon.

  4. Disciple here is my backup if balelynx got removed (expect people to disrupt) because if you want to do your combo directly with witch or wiccid or just summon stuff for fdd then you might not be able to do so without link1 or will need more resources than ever. Also, summoning decode talker just for the 3rd effect is not worth it imo, and if you have to do it then you're probably fckd anyways. Past turn 3 is not really good for this deck.

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i didnt save most because a lot surrendered if they can't out the honeybot lock so here are some recent replays:

unchained: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/0719676abea436709299d00ca2c8b56e8fff7e11c8

yubel/neos: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/02146fd62b81bb4cd1bd7e0b979f8815a7cdcc5d6f

dumon: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/0624242d5a98096d3d74adb4c8077e852e57bbdf9e