Notes & Combos
Dance to the plastic beat babyyyyyy!! This support made the deck way better than it was. Prolly still not meta, but at the very least it's rly fun. Using Security Master turn 1 to rip 1 card and get info is awesome and she even has its use after turn 1 if you can tell what's in your opponent's hand. Brick Phone Nyan Nyan was the MVP, getting your boss monster back and reducing your opponent's atk can even get you to beat over some maximums. So this version (as it was the case for my previous version) is rly aggro, you want to inflict as much damage as possible as fast as possible, that's why I'm running Sword and Shield instead of Tribute to the Doomed. So yeah, rly fun KoG this time, got from Gold 1 to KoG in 2 days. Now I'm off to test if it's worth to run Imprisioned Beautiful Witch. See ya!