
King of Games from on August 22nd, 2023
Gems 58.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Player id: 688-454-796

To check what works the best in some duels I played two 'Scrap Recycler', one 'Orcust Harp Horror' and one less 'Orcustrated Return' and during the final duels I used the ratios in this decklist.

The result was that the ratios don't really matter. It feels like as soon as Konami's games detect that a person won too many duels the player starts bricking with almost the same cards multiple duels in a row and even the garnets/bricks are always at the same position in the opening hand ;-)

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Playlists with PvP gameplay:

  • Just Duel Links Orcust gameplay:


  • Gameplay from all Duel Links seasons in general (with different decks):


  • Final duels before all 26 King Of Games rankups:


  • Gameplay from all twenty Master Duel seasons in general (with different decks):
