Armed Dragon

King of Games from on August 11th, 2023
Gems 40k
21 cards

Notes & Combos

Updated Armed Dragon Deck from previous submission. Personally i think this deck is pretty stable, even though it is not always winnable against meta deck (orchrust, speedriot, pendulum etc), but with using your own mindset i think it is possible to win any of these meta deck without any problem. For example :

First Turn :

As always, you will try to get your armed dragon thunder to lvl 10 (most of the time if your starting hand is not terrible). Starting from Armed Dragon Level 3 > Armed Dragon Level 5 > Armed Dragon Level 7 > Armed Dragon Level 10.

Note : When activate Armed Dragon Level 7 in Graveyard, make sure you take Armed Dragon Lightning as it can protect your armed dragon being destroyed, and also able to get Armed Dragon Level 3 while levelling up from Level 7 to Level 10 and draw an extra card.

After ending your turn, you also should be careful that which card you want to destroy with your Armed Dragon Thunder Lvl 10 as only one card can be destroyed, use it WISELY. If possible, discard Armed Dragon Card (Lvl 7 prio first as you can get Lvl 10 white dragon or Dark Armed Dragon for your next turn.)

Second Turn :

If you get second turn, things can be changed depending on what you have and what your opponent had as well as their set card. The reason why i brought "Armed Dragon Flash" is because to bait your opponent to activate card effect on your "Special Summoned Armed Dragon Thunder Lvl 3". Once they used their set card or monster effect that target your monster, this is where your fun being.

You may use skill to discard any armed dragon card you think it is not going to be used, and get Lvl 10 White dragon immediately. If your hand had "Dark Armed Dragon", and they had almost nothing can be activated, special summon Dark Armed Dragon and destroy them with its effect, and pretty much they going to surrender/rage quit.

In summary, first turn just level up Armed Dragon to lvl 10. And for second turn, for me 98% of my game dont actually level up my armed dragon to lvl 10. The reason being is because you can only activate armed dragon thunder lvl 10 during your opponent turn, which is pointless. So, just level up armed dragon thunder up to lvl 7 enough (depeding on situation) and get Dark Armed Dragon / Armed Dragon Lvl 10 White and destroy their card as many as possible.

For Deck Build, ignore all the extra card except voloferniges (2 Lvl 7 dragon-type xyz monster) as this is only card i had used during climbing.

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